Saturday, April 3, 2010

Catching Up

As you can tell, it has been a while since we have had the internet at our house. I have been taking my laptop and going on the web in the Peak's parking lot for over a month. So it is time to catch up. Cheer try-outs were a little tramatic this year. Last year Kayli tried out and never had to go back for call backs - this year was different, she went to call-backs. She texted me like crazy, all worried that she wasn't going to make it. All of the worrying was for nothing. She made it back on the squad as you heard on my previous blog. Last year, she was told to be picked up at Arby's. This year she had to go to Kent's and sit in the tiolet paper isle. Brady was with us when we opened her congratulations letter. We met his mom at Kent's (yes, I forgot my camera!) Here are a few of the pictures she took. I love Brady - he makes me laugh! Check him out in these pictures.

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